Visit your Dentist twice a year? Why?

Ever heard of the usual line “see your dentist twice a year”?, Do you practice it? Well I think the best time to do it is now, after reading this post. A part of the population always seems to fear the idea going to the dentist since most of the time,their experience always end up with a tooth being pulled out or undergoing the drill for some deep filling. The point is why wait for that painful moment to proceed where in you can prevent it by having an oral  prophylaxis. By having your teeth professionally cleaned, stains and plaque deposits surrounding your teeth are meticulously removed. we can then see what tooth needs to be fixed by putting a filling material to prevent the tooth decay from getting deeper therefore avoiding the problem of toothache in the future.Topical flouride is also applied to help strenghten your teeth’s defense against acid attack from bacteria.Another thing is professional advice regading your dental home care regimen will be given to ensure that you can protect yourself even at home. Another argument is dental treatments are that expensive, it is half true if your case needs complex dental treatments. Just put it this way if you are under regular dental care having preventive dental treatment such as cleaning and flouride then you can avoid having numerous fillings or having your tooth pulled out which will eventually will need to be replaced by either a denture or a bridge which will cost you money for sure. You spend  on a lot of unnecessary things like expensive  bags, shoes, gadgets etc. so why don’t you give yourself a treat, have an oral  prophylaxis.   Dentistry is not that expensive if you will just see us at least twice a year. Come visit us….

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1 Comment

  1. I’ve never been extremely consistent in my dental care and how I take care of my dental hygiene. I’m sure it costs me more money, but timing of my dental office is so limited. I’m always working when their office is open. Wish there were more flexible options.


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